Welcome to the

Ideation Room

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AI opportunities for your product


Innovation must be done with the greater good of humanity in mind. Make sure all your ideas are responsible, safe and fair.

Brainstorming Kit

A DIY guide to explore AI possibilities with your team

Brainstorming Kit

A DIY guide to explore AI possibilities with your team

Figjam Template

Figjam template with step-by-step instructions

Guides & worksheets

PDF - AI Ideation worksheet
PDF - Step-by-step Guide

AI Ideation Card Deck

Currently Shipping only in India
AI Ideation Cards & Ethical AI Cards
AI Ideation worksheet - via email
Step-by-step Guide - via email
Parallel Merchandise (stickers, coasters, bag tag & tote bag)
Just to cover our printing &
shipping costs :)
Order Now
anyone can ai card dec image
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